Welcome to our FAQ page!
Here, you'll find answers to the most common questions about The Mosaic Review, including submission guidelines, payment details, contest information, and more.
If you don’t see what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us—we’re happy to help!

What's the age range for submissions?

The Mosaic Review accepts writing and art from anyone between the ages of 10 and 22.

Our submissions open and close periodically throughout the month. Please see the guidelines on our SUBMISSION page.

No, it is free to send your work to The Mosaic Review. 

We accept submissions on a rolling basis, so feel free to send us your work anytime our submissions are open. 

Simultaneous submissions are highly encouraged,— the more widely you submit your work, the greater the chances of it being accepted for publication. 

Once we have your work we promise to give it close consideration.  Our response time has been running 1-2 weeks, often times sooner.  If you don’t hear from us after a month feel free to contact us via e-mail at: themosaicreview25@gmail.com  We respond to all submissions and will let you know if we’re able to accept your work for our current issue. In the meantime-keep writing!

The Mosaic Review is published once a month, most often the first or second week of each month.

Yes! If your work is selected, you will receive a 15$ stipend.