We can't wait to hear your story.

About Us
The Mosaic Review is a once monthly digital literary journal showcasing the creative works of young writers aged 13-22. We publish poetry, fiction, essays, opinion pieces, travel writing, photography, and visual art—celebrating diverse voices and perspectives. Join us in shaping a vibrant creative community.
Send Us Your Work
Submissions are open!
Send us your flash stories or
something longer—upper limit
1500 words.
We accept memoir, personal essays,
travel stories, opinion pieces,
and miscellaneous (but well-written)
rants all up to 1500 words.
Up to three poems per submission.
Four pieces of artwork
(scanned, jpeg format) or
four photographs per submission.
We are looking for original work that hasn’t
been published anywhere else either online
or in print. (<—we've been known to make
exceptions for blog posts or
in-school publications—email us)
Contributors published online in
Mosaic Reviews will receive $15 per
published piece.